About Us

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We Provide Worldwide Charity
Service Since 2012

To provide, promote social welfare in every way including education and training to blind, deaf and dumb, orphan, mentally retracted boys and girls for their rehabilitation, protection of the environment, agriculture, health, environment, culture, human rights and crime control, etc. To arrange for the treatment to those, whose eyes are worth for treatment and also to create awareness in this field.
To create general awareness about social, environmental, developmental, educational, human rights and criminal issues by organizing various programs for the betterment of livelihood of the people.
Providing for and contributing to Environment Management by undertaking activities in the fields of Social Forestry, Wildlife Protection and Bio-diversity Management.
To upgrade Braille press, library and cassette library for the blind.
To arrange seminars and workshops on the problems of disabled persons and its solution.
To create awareness amongst the general public for their human rights and help them to fight against various crimes and activities as and when needed.

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Our Mission

Charity For Education

Empowering visually impaired girls through quality education and leadership skills.

Feed For Visually Impaired Child

If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one.” Mother Teresa

Accomodation for Visually Impaired Child

Home is a notion that only nations of the homeless fully appreciate and only the uprooted comprehend


I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver.

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Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.

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Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.

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Why Choose us?

Worldwide charity programs

contributing to Environment Management by undertaking activities in the fields of Social Forestry, Wildlife Protection and Bio-diversity Management. To upgrade Braille press, library and cassette library for the blind. To arrange seminars and workshops on the problems of disabled persons and its solution. To create awareness amongst the general public for their human rights and help them to fight against various crimes and activities as and when needed.

Leading volunteer groups

When we experience massive change, particularly when it’s unwelcome or unexpected, it may feel like the best thing to do is crawl under a rock and wait for the storm to pass. But that couldn’t be any farther from what we have actually done recently; especially when it comes to volunteer leadership roles during trying times like this.

Charity programs for children

Charity For Education Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.

Online donation System with different method

All donations are tax-exempted as eligible under section 80G of the the Income Tax Act, 1961.

We are serving for 11 years
to helpless people with
trust to make them happy
and independent.

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